North West Somerset Parkinson's Support Group.
About us:
The North West Somerset Support group was set up in 1994 to help those living with Parkinson's and those caring for them in Nailsea, Backwell, Clevedon, Portishead, Yatton and the surrounding areas. Membership is free to all.
We are part of Parkinson's UK (, the national Parkinson's support and research charity.
Monthly General Meetings are usually held on the second Saturday of each month from 10.30am to 12.15pm. These are social gatherings, often with a speaker on a subject of interest or curiosity to be enjoyed by those living with Parkinson's, those who are caring for them, their families and friends. Tea and coffee and biscuits are served!
We hold Singalong sessions twice a month to help with loss of voice or with speech problems due to Parkinson's.
We publish a newsletter with information and news - this is available to all members.
For more information about our local group, please call Marie on 01934 742091 or 07800 815262
See below for monthly meetings, Singalong, announcements, other information and useful contacts. Please also check nearer the date as some dates may be subject to change.
Navigating this website: e.g. get your taxi paid for ! See our transport scheme - click on the page menu at the top: Home, Ability Net, Transport Scheme, Privacy Notice. On a computer you may need to maximise the current window to get the page menu, on a smartphone you will need to click on the little three lines button at the top left to get the page menu.
Unless stated otherwise meetings are held at St Francis Church Hall, Little Meadow End, Ash Hayes Road, Nailsea, BS48 2LP
General Meetings
We look forward to seeing you soon.
No Saturday meeting for September:
Holiday break.
Saturday 12th October 10.30 am - 12.00 pm at St Francis Church Hall, Nailsea:
John Telfer, Bristol based Movie, TV and radio actor will give a presentation on "Using Your Voice". Not to be missed! For more info click here.
Saturday 9th November 10.30 am - 12.00 pm at St Francis Church Hall, Nailsea:
PUK Local Adviser Caroline Craig. Personal Independance Payment (PIP) and Attendance Allowance (AA).
Friday 6th December at the Masonic Hall, Nailsea Park Close, Nailsea, BS48 1BA:
Christmas Lunch - booking will be essential.
Saturday 14th December 10.30 am - 12.00 pm at St Francis Church Hall, Nailsea:
Home Grown Xmas Entertainment.
Sing along to popular songs and old-time favourites led by Chris, our keyboard maestro. Helps preserve your voice. No skill required!
2.30 pm - 4.00 at St Francis Church Hall, Nailsea. These are normally held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. The next ones are:
Tuesday 24th September
Tuesday 8th October
Tuesday 22nd October
Tuesday 12th November
Tuesday 26th November
The NW Somerset Support Group only funds the supervision provided in the POWER joint supervisory sessions below. All the groups below are run totally independently of Parkinson’s UK and of the NW Somerset Support Group of Parkinson’s UK.
The NW Somerset Support Group only funds the supervision provided in the POWER joint supervisory sessions below. All the groups below are run totally independently of Parkinson’s UK and of the NW Somerset Support Group of Parkinson’s UK.
THURSDAY Exercise group:
A Parkinson’s exercise group open to all. Run by physiotherapist Amanda Burroughs at the Scotch Horn Leisure Centre, Nailsea. For information or for Amanda to ring you back, call the Scotch Horn, on 01275 856 965.
POWER “Warrior” Parkinson's Exercise Groups:
Backwell: Mondays 10-12 Cuppa at 11
Mondays 10.00 -11.45 & 12.00 - 1.45
Tickenham: Mondays 10-12
Yatton: Mondays 10-12 Cuppa at 12
Clevedon, Strode road: tbc
Joint Supervisory Sessions for the POWER group are held at 12.30 - 2.30 at Scotch Horn Leisure Centre, Nailsea, usually on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month.
For further info about the POWER exercise groups contact
To join one of the POWER groups first contact Rowan 07518964332 or Amanda 07917116154
WEDNESDAYS Parkinson's Exercise group
Clevedon 11am at the Everyone Active Stadium, Clevedon Town Football Club. For further info contact: 07825 033741
Parkinson’s UK North West Somerset Branch became Parkinson’s UK NW Somerset Support Group on 1st September 2022. The group is run entirely by volunteers and the change to a support group will reduce administrative demands. We are nevertheless keenly seeking more volunteers. We need you for everything from making tea and coffee to becoming a future coordinator to relieve Marie. Please do get in touch with Marie, Pat, or one of the other Support-Group contacts listed below if you can volunteer in any way.
Please contact Vicki e.g. on or Robert on with any changes to this webpage that are needed.
Parkinson's UK has a specialist adviser team who can provide information about any aspect of living with Parkinson's, managing symptoms, medication, social care, employment rights, benefits and much more. They can offer emotional support and liaise with health, social care and other local professionals to get you the support you need.
Call the Helpline on 0808 800 0303 or email, the Helpline Advisers will deal with any general enquiries and you will be put in touch with someone in your area if more local knowledge or in depth support is needed. Our particular Local Adviser is Caroline Craig, she is contactable via
If you haven't already, we would love you to properly join Parkinson's UK and our local support group .
To do that, please email our membership secretary on: for joining instructions.
If you would like to have a look at past copies of our Newsletter, click on the links below or email the membership secretary Robert on and he will email them to you.
June/July2023 Aug/Sept2023 Oct/Nov2023 Dec2023/Jan2024 Feb/March 2024 April/May 2024 June/July2024 Aug/Sept2024
Useful North West Somerset Support-Group Committee Contacts:
Coordinator: Marie PEARSON 01934 742091 - 07800 815262
Treasurer: Pat JAMES 07801 865057
Newsletter: Kevin YOUDE 01934 824400 - 07855 936762
Publicity: Sally-Ann KODURAND 07966 759950
Membership Secretary: Robert BROWN 01275 603146 (No messages) - 07751 606670
Welcome, Badging & IT: Neil TURP 01275 392954 - 07422 965598
Fundraising: VACANT
Deputy Fundraising: Wendy GIBB 01275 394124
Social / Events Secretary: VACANT
Resources: Richard (Rich) JENKINS 01275 394989 - 07854147895
Personal: Joyce JENKINS 01275 394989
Secretary and Local Website: Vicki BREWER
Meet and Greet: Don BREWER
Parkinsons UK Network Support Officer Claire DENBY 07842445020 / 02079633731
Singalong (NWSomerset) - Pat and Belinda Kington 07779819513,
Parkinson's UK Specialist advice - see above - Caroline Craig etc.
Local NHS Parkinson’s specialist practitioner (Sirona): Mel FALK 0300 125 5550
Local NHS Parkinson’s Specialist practitioner (Sirona): Emily MORRISON 0300 125 5550
Parkinson’s UK:- 0808 800 0303
Parkinson's UK National membership issues:- see > About us > Supporter enquiries
Parkinson's UK Facebook:-
Parkinson's UK Twitter:-
Privacy notice: See page on menu at the top.
Parkinson’s UK is the operating name of the Parkinson’s Disease Society of the United Kingdom. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales (00948776). Registered office: 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ. A charity registered in England and Wales (2518197) and in Scotland (SC037554).